
We live in a very complex world. Where Insane thrive and lives what some would call a normal life. My hope is that you will find laughter, wisdom and good conversation here in Ms. B's World. What I have learned is, some things that happen in life are neither right nor wrong, but what I call “A Situation”. Right or wrong can change depending on who is viewing it and from where they stand at any given time on this life’s journey…

Monday, June 28, 2010

Change Your Name Or Change Your Conduct

It is said that a name is one of the most important things in this world. When I think about the importance of a name and how names have shaped this world we live in; I often thing about what if we did not have a name for everything.  What would the world be like if there was no such thing as a name? How would we communicate with each other?  We see in the Bible that one of the very first things God did was give things he made a name.  It brought order to chaos by giving things a name and a purpose.  It is in this act that the natural world as we know it was formed, made and have been sustained.   I share all this because I recently had an experience that almost altered my marriage forever.

  I did not want to be a person of leadership or influence because as we know people can build you up one day and tear you down the next. The Spirit has been convicting me about moving to the next level in my journey and explaining to me who I was before before I entered my mother's womb.  My name means Radiance, which means brightest light.    God let me know early in my life that I was the bringer of Light into Dark place.  I would help people find there way out of darkness into the light of Christ.  I like most people was not live out the true value of my name. I personally feel that I have done the opposite of my purpose and name.

Could you image a  chair trying to do a light bulb's job or a mop trying to be a bowl. This would never work and even if it did neither could do the job effectively.  This is the same thing for us as children of God. When we have been created for a specific purpose and we do not live out that purpose. We can become ineffective and sometime more problematic than helpful.  I have been convicted about living a lifestyle contrary  to what I was designed and created to do. It was not until today, that I understood.

 I am going to share a short story with you that the preacher said today.  One day, during battle  King Alexander the Great was visiting one of his battle station and was informed by his commander  that their was a young man who run fearfully from the enemy,  and the commander did not know what to do with this young man.  Alexander the Great walked up to the young man and said: "Solider what is your Name?  and the soldier said in a very low and trembling tone,: " My name is Alexander". Alexander the Great looked very confused and puzzles, so he asked him a second time, but this time he said it with more base in his tone, " SOLIDER WHAT IS YOUR NAME!" and the soldier answered a second time more fearful," Alexander".  This time Alexander the Great became very angry and snatched the young man close to his chest and said," SOLIDER EITHER YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME OR CHANGE YOUR CONDUCT!
This Solider was not acting like someone who was great like his King. It was an insult to this might king that one of his solider's who carried his name was not living up to the standards of his name.  A name is the most important thing you can give a child. Social science research has found that the we learn to define ourselves by the names we are given.  Your name can lay the foundation for your personality. My name means Brightest light. You need light in dark places. Light defines a space and what can happen in that space.  Light can  make the difference.  I too was told just like the young soldier, that either I change my conduct and live up to my name or change my name, but I could no longer behavior like  a person of the dark, but be called a person of the  the light and to make matters worse the "Brightest Light". 

 This was a mockery to the God who named and created me.  My reckless, deceitful, negative behaviors was representing everything that is contrary to my name, so this day I say to you learn the meaning of your name and  examine yourself. See how have you been living that name out  and what are the characteristics associated with your name and do they line up with your purpose, because you would hate to have lived your entire life trying to be a bee when you were created to be a butterfly...

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