
We live in a very complex world. Where Insane thrive and lives what some would call a normal life. My hope is that you will find laughter, wisdom and good conversation here in Ms. B's World. What I have learned is, some things that happen in life are neither right nor wrong, but what I call “A Situation”. Right or wrong can change depending on who is viewing it and from where they stand at any given time on this life’s journey…

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Betrayal: Just When I Thought…

It is a bitter cup to drink, but betrayal is something everyone will deal with in their lifetime. If you have not experienced it yet as my spiritual father once said, “Just keep living”. Well today’s awkward moment is one that is dear to my heart. This act of betrayal runs deep through several situations, a husband betrays his wife, a pastor betrays his congregation, a man betrays his mistress and a friend betrays a friend. Just recently Karen a friend, told me about a situation in her church with her pastor and a friend. She explained that her girlfriend Tasha was sleeping with the pastor and after an act of betrayal on his part. She decided to expose their affair to the church. When she went to the church leaders, they decided to handle the situation differently then she thought they would. Tasha not happy with their decision, decided to go to the church members herself and tell her side of the story; stopping at nothing, she made phone calls, when to church events and even told the pastor’s wife best friend. She left no stone unturned, even if it made her look bad she was determined to be heard. She thought that she was a victim of his foolishness and she wanted him to pay, at least that was what her actions said. Karen felt differently, Tasha was not victim. She had been here before, she was a seasoned young lady and she knew what she was doing when she started this affair. He was supposed to be her mentor and pastor. She was fine along as she was getting what she wanted, why tell now? What was she to gain from exposing it this way? Karen did not felt sorry for her, but she actually thought she was sick. Sick in mind or sick in the spirit who knows, but when asked what I thought about the situation, at first I was speechless. I told how could someone be so selfish, but I realized it was deeper than that response.

I told Karen hurt people do not care about anybody; their goal is to sharing their pain unconsciously or consciously. To experience betrayal in our lives, I think is the outgrowth of fear in our minds. People do not necessarily betray us; sometimes we just set ourselves up to be a victim. The acts that people demonstrate in our lives are most times the thoughts and feeling we already have about ourselves. They just come to show us how we truly feel about ourselves and the world around us. Betrayal is just one of the tools the ego uses to push the divine voice out of our lives and make us victims. Pain is like a wild fire; anything its touches it consumed and destroyed. So now what?

To make a long story short, Tasha got her wish now the whole church knows along with other churches in the community. She is the buzz of the religious community. She wanted to be heard, so now everybody is listening. Yes, the church is planning to throw the pastor out and the religious community wants to ban him from ever preaching again, because this was not the first time for him. The wife knows too, it was said that she had a nervous breakdown, well who wouldn’t if this was the second time you had to live through the same mess. Karma can really hurt. Tasha and Karen are no longer friends, because in her angry and pain she said some very hurtful things about Karen, which was not true. Karen realized that she was not her friend and along as she stayed in her pain she would continue to hurt herself and anyone around her. My question is what now? Where does Tasha go from here? What is the lesson in this situation or is there a lesson? Where is the healing for all persons involved? Or just maybe it is what it is a situation?

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